
In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening

In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening es una canción del año 1951, con música del compositor estadounidense Hoagy Carmichael, y letra de Johnny Mercer para la película musical romántica Here Comes the Groom, ganadora del premio Óscar a la mejor canción original de dicho año.[1][2]​ En la película la canción está interpretada por Bing Crosby y Jane Wyman.[3]

La Grabación de Bing Crosby y Jane Wyman fue un éxito las listas musicales , en la lista Billboard durante seis semanas en 1951 alcanzando su punto máximo en el número 11. Tiene una duración de 3 min 24 s, de género pop, y fue publicada por la compañía discográfica Decca Records.

Jake wants a wienie bake, steak and a layer cake, He'll get a tummy ache too

We'll rent a tent or tepee, Let the town crier cry, And if it's RSVP, This is what I'll reply

In the cool cool cool of the evening

Tell 'em I'll be there, In the cool cool cool of the evening

You better save a chair, When the party's getting a glow on

Singing fills the air, In the shank of the night when the doings are right

You can tell 'em I'll be there

We, said the bumblebee, let's have a jubilee

When said the prairie hen, son, Sure said the dinosaur

Where said the grizzly bear, Under the light of the moon

How 'bout your brother jackass, Everyone gave a cry

You coming to the fracas, Over his expected sighs

In the cool cool cool of the evening

Tell 'em I'll be there, In the cool cool cool of the evening

Slickum on my hair, When the party's getting a glow on

Singing fills the air, If I ain't in the clink

And there's something to drink, You can tell 'em I'll be there

If I can find the right sock by eleven o'clock, You can tell 'em I'll be there

If you need a new face or a tenor off base, You can tell 'em I'll be there

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