James Quincey es un empresario británico. Nació el 8 de enero de 1965 en Londres, Reino Unido. Estudió en la universidad de Liverpool.
Desde diciembre de 2016, es el CEO de la empresa multinacional estadounidense de productos envasados y refrescos The Coca-Cola Company. He became CEO the following May when Muhtar Kent retired. Among his first acts as CEO, he announced reducing 1,200 corporate positions as part of a plan to invest in new products and marketing and restore the year's revenue and profit growth from four to six percent. Quincey also said in interviews that he wanted to rid the Coke company's culture of over-cautiousness concerning risk, and that he intended to further diversify Coke's portfolio by accelerating investments in startup businesses. He later launched a plan to recycle a bottle for every bottle sold by 2030.
Está casado con Astrid Sanchez de Quincey, con quien tiene dos hijos: Joy, de 2 años; y Ginger, de 5.
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